Awesome Resolutions for 2012!

Setelah puas liat liat kembang api yang bermekaran dimana mana, makin terasa deh kalau 2011 udah berakhir. Dengan berakhirnya tahun 2011 ini, sekarang saatnya cek n ricek kembali resolusi yang kita buat tahun lalu di bulan Januari 2011. Kalo punya gw sendiri, dari 15 resolusi yang saya buat diawal tahun, 7 poin berhasil dijalankan, 2 poin terpaksa di gampangin modifikasi dan akhirnya berhasil dijalankan juga, 5 poin gagal dijalankan, dan 1 poin lupa untuk dimulai sama sekali *doh*

Liat diliat, eh, ternyata lumayan juga perkembangan selama satu tahun 2011 ini , en tanpa disadari, otak ini udah mulai ngayalin resolusi resolusi baru lagi untuk taon 2012 ini .

Eits! Bikin resolusi itu emang gampang n menyenangkan. Tapi jangan sampe kelupaan juga kalo resolusi ini adalah pegangan/tujuan (di bold supaya kerasa pentingnya) yang musti kamu pegang selama menjalani taon 2012 ini . Maka itu, sekarang gw mau bagi bagi beberapa tips yang gw rangkumin dari hasil browsing di internet selama beberapa jam waktu lagi bosen #eh

1. Write it down!
Di terjemahin ke bahasa Indo, “DI CATET!”. Nah, yang satu ini emang diakui, bener bener perlu banget. Daripada di bayangin di khayalan aja, ada baiknya resolusi kamu itu di catat. Lebih baik lagi kalo dicatat pake tangan ke sebuah sketchbook pribadi kamu (lebih ada perjuangan daripada pake ketik di komputer). Believe me, it’s worth it.

2. Pastikan kamu bisa melakukannya tanpa berharap ke orang lain
Contoh : “Jalan jalan ke Paris bareng best friend gw” *TETOT!* Kita ngak bisa tau ataupun atur apa yang bakal orang lain lakuin. Daripada resolusi kita jadi gagal karena si best friend lebih milih ke Japan daripada ke Paris, mending resolusi itu dibatasin ke sesuatu yang bisa kita lakuin sendiri tanpa musti berharap ke orang lain.

3. Rencanakan sesuatu yang bisa kamu lakukan
TAPI, jangan sampe terlalu gampang juga. Rencanain sebuah resolusi yang kamu yakin bisa kamu lakuin, tapi tetep butuh perjuangan juga. Gimanapun juga, resolusi dibuat untuk membangun diri kamu jadi seorang yang lebih bagus. Ingat, anything precious is worth the fight.

4. Keep it fun
Cuekin aja peraturan peraturan lain yang ada. Dari pengalaman pribadi gw, makin banyak aturan, makin nyebelin hal itu . Yang penting you have fun while doing it!


Udahan deh sama masukan, peraturan, tips dalam ngebikin resolusi. Sekarang saatnya nyari pen n mulai nyatat resolusi kamu untuk tahun ini

Oya, sekalian share juga resolusi yang gw buat tahun ini. Here goes

Seperti yang gw bilang, write it down 


– NEVER EVER hesitate when great chance presents itself in front of me

– NEVER blame anyone no matter what the situation is

– Learn how to play guitar

– Grow up! Act more mature!

– Give full attention to those that I love, Include myself

– When sad, instead of being sad, be AWESOME instead

– Stop holding grudges. Forgive…

– Savour and memorize one best day for each month

– Take at least one photograph that will make everyone hold their breath


– Try something new everytime there’s a chance

– Have a holiday out of the country alone

– Have my body in shape

– Forget, forgive and move on from bad things happened last year

– Survive the apocalypse at 21-12-2012

Annoying Day

It’s 11 June today.

So early in the morning. I had just open my eyes from my tight sleep and one thing I realized right away. It’s not my best morning. I don’t know what happened. Some people say it might be caused by waking up the wrong direction, but one thing for sure. I feel so annoyed.

This bad feeling didn’t end just like that. It last the whole day, till now, at half past 3 in the noon. Heck, I even tried looking for my friends to get rid of this feeling, reading comics, playing games. But even the friends, comics and games start to annoy me even more.

It’s been a long time since my last post in this blog, and my first post after such length of time is about how bad my day was. Funny tho. I guess it’s just another “kin bo tit” day. Can’t help it. Just hope to pass the day without any further problem to pops out.

New stuff I made while I’m so annoyed

Categories: Dis n Dat

Chinese New Year

Gong Xi Fat Chai!
Happy Chinese New Year to everyone 🙂

Might be a bit late to say this now. I’ve been busy the whole day out there. So might as well be late rather than none 😀

Here is one last photo I took at 2561

I hope the new year will be another wonderful year for my families, my friends, and of course, myself 🙂

Categories: Dis n Dat, Photography

My First Outdoor Photo Session

Last sunday, at 23 January ’11, I got the chance to shot some outdoor photos together with my friends acting as models and the other photographers

I was actually still sleeping from my staying up until 3AM last night when suddenly my phone ring made me jump out from my bed.

It’s my friend Vivi

She is a goblin with big head yet small and thin legs, and also a big black eye like those of fly’s. (Just Kidding =P)

She’s a freelancer make up artist.

Told me to get to Merdeka Walk quickly since the photographers are gathering there.

And yea, having a chance like that, I quickly run. Thank God I always keep my camera ready so i can grab and shoot right away.

Anyway, here are the results

Make up and hairdo by Vivi octavia
Talent : Christin, Siska, Jessy

And here are the crews

The girls

And the boys

They are also available at my Tumblr account
The complete album can be seen at my Facebook account 🙂
Thanks to everyone participating


Lack of sleep!
Is my everyday illness lately.

Sleeping late is like my everyday routine lately. Sleeping at around 1 or 2 AM and wake up at 7 AM in the morning everyday.

In addition to it, even at holidays, I dunno why, My eyes always open up in the morning. I even wake up earlier than week days.

It did some good some times. Like the one at 15 Jan. I was staying at the JW Marriott Hotel together with my family. We’re up til around 3 AM that time. At 6 AM I woke up already. Good thing I went to the pool in time to shot the sunrise

Later, my family and I went out whole day, and that night I slept at 1AM and wake up at the Monday at 7 AM to get ready to work

I should really stop this bad habit
It’s really eating me inside out ~_~

Penang Island

Here comes another shots I took of Penang. I loved most of them but the real thing is totally better than this photos. Maybe my skills isn’t really sufficient for this yet. But well, practice makes perfect 🙂

Also, I dunno why but it’s been really hard for me to write in Indonesian. Indonesian is my mother language, but it’s really hard to actually write a blog with it. Maybe it’s just cause I read fun blogs in English more XD. So, from now on, I guess I’ll start writing in English. In Indonesian sometimes maybe, when I feel like it. My English isn’t that good either. But, whatever, here goes the pictures 😀

Butterfly Farm
Love this place ❤

I think it’s about time for me to do start doing our photos to be posted on FB. My friends are already demanding for it. I think I should start it now….

Nvm.. Maybe some other time XD

Categories: Photography Tags: , ,

Shots Above The Clouds

Hari hari sibuk bikin kesehatan makin menurun. Kepala juga agak pusing bikin jadi ngak ada mood untuk basa basi. So, langsung aja deh.

Beberapa foto paling pertama yang diambil di perjalanan ke Penang Island kali ini.

Sisanya masih on progress 😀

Categories: Photography Tags: ,

I’m back!

26.12.2010 1 comment

Hello Medan! Akhirnya jam 6.30 tadi saya balik lagi ke kota Medan ini. Perjalanan yang singkat tapi cukup menyenangkan. Terlalu menyenangkan sampai2 agak kelewatan, kami berempat sibuk berfoto disana sini sampai foto kami untuk 3 hari ini mencapai 1000 foto…

Bakalan makan waktu yang lama banget untuk memilih dan memproses gambar gambar yang ada ini… Off to work… T_T..

Peace out

Categories: Dis n Dat

Merry Christmas!

Might be a bit too early to say this now, but since I won’t be able to post at Christmas day, might as well say it now.

Merry Christmas to all of you!!

I’m waiting the plane to arrive now at polonia airport. Gonna leave to Penang soon :D.

randy.kencana signed out until 26th 😀

C ya!

Categories: Uncategorized Tags:

William, the big-nosed person

I just happened to think of this song on my way to my office. It’s mainly a modified “Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer”. Thought it might be a good Christmas joke :D.

Just change the name to your friend’s name, in this case i use my friend’s name William and the “his” to “her” according to the gender, then sing it along Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer’s music! 🙂

William, the big-nosed person
had a very swelled nose.
And if you ever saw it,
you would even say “it’s ball!”.

All of his hang out friends
used to laugh and call him names.
They never let poor William
join in having fun with them.

Then one foggy Christmas Eve
Santa came to say:
“William with your nose so big,
won’t you be my accessory?”

Then all his friends now loved him
as they shouted out with glee,
“William the big-nosed person,
you’re nose will be history!”